Okayama Kobo is a popular bakery in Japan and is named after the Okayama prefecture where they operate. The owner/baker Tsunetaka Kawakami learned and perfected the art of baking during his tour through many bakeries in Japan. Leveraging his success in Japan, he opened his first bakery in the US in 2018. Due to the…
Depot Still Delivers Tasty and Creative Dishes
Editor’s Note: This visit took place prior to the LA County 11/23 mandate to shut down outdoor dining. My wife, daughter and I recently invited a long-time friend out to lunch. Since our friend has mobility issues, I had to pick a place near to her house, solid food and with easy access from the…
Curry Plus, A Japanese Curry Paradise
After setting my post on Champion’s Curry, my foodie friend suggested that I try Curry Plus, a new Japanese restaurant in Torrance. I had seen some of their social media posts and it didn’t make an impression on me. Since I respect my friend’s opinion, I placed this on my bucket list and finally visited…
Saffron Food Mart, a Great South Bay Find for Middle Eastern Cuisine
I drive by the Saffron Food Mart on a regular basis. The market is on the way to many stores I frequent. Because it does not have an entrance facing the street and it lacks visible windows, I think of it as a grocery store and not a restaurant. Seeing a recent social media review…
Week 11 – Coronavirus Dining in LA
On May 29, Mayor Eric Garcetti said that Los Angeles restaurants can reopen at 60% of their capacity and apply for outdoor dining permits, under social distancing guidelines. This caused many restaurants to scramble and figure out how to re-establish a new norm. In the meantime, many have elected to continue operating as “to go”…
Week 10 – Coronavirus Dining in LA
Thursday, May 28, was National Hamburger Day. As a result, I had a hankering for a good burger. I haven’t experienced Goldburger’s double cheeseburger and went for it this week. The other two stops were at Mariscos Jalisco and Din Tai Fung. Goldburger Allen Yelent started as an Instagram account showcasing great burgers that he…
Week 9 – Coronavirus Dining in LA
Dr. Christina Ghaly, director of health services for L.A. County, recently reported some good news suggesting that the effective transmission rate of the coronavirus is slightly decreasing. This is good news for all LA Country residents, but in particular, to small businesses that are weathering the storm. This week I am happy to report two…
Cinco de Mayo To Go Options
Cinco de Mayo is a holiday popular for dining out. Unfortunately due to the coronavirus, some restaurants have closed, and others are managing to stay afloat with take out business. Of the Mexican restaurants still in operation, some are featuring Mexican food with beer and cocktails prepared so that you can celebrate Cinco de Mayo…
Week 6 – Coronavirus Dining in LA
Gaetano’s Restaurant If you are looking for something different to do with the family, Gaetano’s has you covered. Gaetano’s Restaurant just added a Pizza Kit to their “To Go” line-up. The basic ($8.95) includes grated mozzarella and pizza sauce. Toppings such as pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms are optional. Simple instructions are included with the kit…
Week 1 – Coronavirus Dining in LA
With the freedom Americans enjoy, I never imagined that our everyday lives would be impacted in such a severe way. Freedom means many things and I used to enjoy the freedom of movement or as Southwest Airlines says “you are now free to move about the country.” I thought it would be interesting to continue…