Purim is the most joyous day in the Jewish calendar, celebrating the defeat of Haman, one of the evilest and most vicious antagonists in all of human history. Purim is the time for fun – for eating, drinking, carnivals, plays, and food gifts to friends and the poor. A popular way to celebrate is through Mishloach Manot, a basket of food or drink that is sent to family, friends, and others on this day. Purim 2022 begins in the evening of Wed, Mar 16, and ends in the evening of Thu, Mar 17. Here is where to buy Purim gifts in LA.

Milky Way
Milky Way features boxes filled with treats for the whole family. Food and fun are wrapped up in their signature box, including hamantaschen cookies, mask, noisemaker, grape juice, chocolate pretzels, rolled wafers, assorted chocolate cremes, and a tangerine.
Milky Way, 9108 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA; 310.859.0004; milkywayla.com
Schwartz Bakery
Schwartz Bakery is the oldest kosher bakery in LA and is certified by the OK. Schwartz’s Purim menu features appetizers, meat and fish dishes, Mexican, and Chinese options, hamentashen cookies, and fruit.
Schwartz Bakery, 8856 W. Pico Blvd. LA CA 90035; 310.854.0592; schwartzbakeryla.com
Western Kosher
Western Kosher has a plethora of Purim options like Pinwheel Wrap Platters and Mini Bourekas. Click here to check out their Purim menu.
Western Kosher, 4817 W Pico Blvd & 444 N. Fairfax Ave. Los Angeles, CA; westernkosher.com