The CNN series Part’s Unknown with Anthony Bourdain opened the world to food and culture in areas not typically visited by travelers. When Bourdain traveled through Asia, he often featured Asian street food. On Saturday mornings, Thai Town LA becomes a local version of what you could experience in Thailand.

Thai Town LA’s Street Food event is located on the southwest corner of Hollywood and Hobart Blvds and takes place each Saturday morning. Initially, items sold by vendors within this plaza were priced no more than $5.00 each, but food prices have risen dramatically. Still, everything offered is quite affordable, evidenced by the number of people who attend.

My friend from work invited me to join him and his wife. Fortunately for me, his wife is Thai and was born and raised there. She is graciously served as my translator as I selected the items of interest. Her husband played the dutiful companion that packed all of her purchases into a large bag and placed them in their car.

Most people purchase and pack a lot of food to go. I did the same and after making it home, I plated everything for my family to enjoy.

If you like Thai food, Thai Town LA’s Street Food event is worth your while. Even if you can’t speak the language, you can point to what you would like to try.
Thai Town LA, South corners of Hollywood and Hobart Blvd, LA, 8 – 11:00 a.m.